Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Katakana Analysis

The use of Katakana is wide and varied. The 46 characters are not only used for the writing of foreign words in order to make them loaned words, they are also used to express emphasis. Katakana is also utilize to create onomatopoeic words, which the Japanese language is filled with. This set of characters has another function and that is to lend sophistication to a given publication. In most of the fashion magazines the entire thing is filled with katakana words even when there is a Japanese word for it they will tend to simply use the English equivalent. The increasing used of katakana within modern Japan is rather interesting and it sheds some light to the complex history of the language.

ペリウム loan word
ヘヤ sophistication.

The reason why there are several uses for katakana is to allow greater flexibility within the language. This allows Japanese to adapt to changing situations. Different books explain katakana differently because the uses of it are so varied that multiple explanations are possible.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

そこきみわるい くも。

A strange cloud formation was seen over the skies of Moscow a few days ago. The explanation that has been given is that "Several fronts have been passing through Moscow recently, there was an intrusion of the Arctic air too, the sun was shining from the west — this is how the effect was produced" which was given by an official spokesperson for Moscow's weather department.